Backcountry Education

Avalanche awareness and basic first-aid are critical skills for the backcountry rider. Start or refresh your avy and emergency rescue education here and take a course to solidify your knowledge.

Backcountry Education

Avalanche awareness and basic first-aid are critical skills for the backcountry rider. Start or refresh your avy and emergency rescue education here and take a course to solidify your knowledge.

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5 red flags

Open your eyes and stay alive

Jeremy's Journal

Put it on, turn it on

Jeremy's Journal

Jeremy Jones’ backcountry TIME guidelines

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Avalanche rescue steps

Anyone who ventures out into the backcountry should have basic training in avalanche beacon rescue and rescue shoveling.


Nothing happened. Good call or close call?

Early season in Montana's Rockies, a friend and I watched three college-aged men descend a shaded couloir across the valley in seemingly perfect, soft snow.

Jeremy's journal

Put it on, turn it on - Jeremy Jones’ New Year resolution

Jeremy Jones is committed to doing more beacon checks after a very sobering and terrifying experience last season.


How to: plan a tour for splitboarding

Mountain Guide Ambassador Neil McNab shows us how to plan a route for a splitboard tour.


Get help fast

Backcountry riders should use satellite messaging devices for emergency communication, especially in areas without cell service.


Avy Savvy Series

The series features Jeremy Jones talking with Jones ambassador guides and team riders about how they stay safe in the mountains.


Safety links

Use these links to find your local avalanche center and get connected to quickly access your local avalanche forecast.


How to: descend in avalanche terrain

Mountain Guide Neil McNab shows how to safely descend in potential avalanche terrain on your splitboard.


How to: ascend in avalanche terrain

Mountain Guide Neil McNab shows how to safely navigate avalanche terrain on your splitboard.


How to pack your backcountry gear

Mountain Guide and Jones Snowboard Ambassador Neil McNab shows us what he packs in his bag for a splitboarding tour.

jeremy's journal

Jeremy Jones' backcountry mental checklist

Learn about the "mental keys" that Jeremy Jones goes over in his head every time he steps into the mountains.

jeremy's journal

How Jeremy Jones reads an avalanche report

Your local forecast is an amazing tool and should be used every day you head out into the backcountry.

jeremy's journal

Jeremy Jones "pre-game" avalanche protocol

The most important decisions you make in the backcountry are the decisions you make before you even leave the house.

Jeremy's journal

5 Red Flags: open your eyes and stay alive

Have you heard of the Five Red Flags? The red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger.


Buried Alive - Real life avalanche burial & rescue

In 2019, a group of Jones team riders was involved in a serious avalanche incident in the Lake Tahoe backcountry involving a full burial.


How to transition on a splitboard

Every splitboard transition is different. From the terrain you find yourself on to the weather you’re faced with, there are multiple factors to consider.